i started my new job at the beginning of august...and I LOVE IT! everyday i fall more and more in love with it! i have learned soooo much and really found what i think i want to do the rest of my life.....now you might be thinking what is this incredible job? why is she sooo happy and loving it?!?!?!?!
drum roll please....i am a behavior interventionist! (next question: what the heck does that mean?!?)
i work for a company called SAGE BEHAVIOR SERVICES http://www.sagebehaviorservices.com/ i assist children who have developmental disabilities by helping to build skills and minimize challenging behaviors in all settings including the home, school, and community. we implement research-based ABA interventions and protocols as defined in an individualized, positive behavior intervention plan. most of the children i am working with have some form of autism. i get to go into their homes and work with kids by playing games and helping with their build their skills. i have worked with a handful of children and each one already has a special place in my heart. though i am still a "trainee" i do get to work with the children and build rapport (building a relationship, a fancy word).
there is one little girl who has Rett's http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/rett/detail_rett.htm and reminds me of Boo from Monster's Inc. the cutest little girl. I have gotten to work with her a few times and love every second of it. during one session we were helping her with walking with her walker (Rett's makes it hard for children to walk). while she was walking we use bubbles to get her motivated to walk forward. when i was blowing the bubbles she was trying to blow but she kept blowing up until i showed her how to blow forward like blowing bubble gum. When she tried she almost got it but forgot to the let the air out...she pretty much looked like she was holding her breath (it was really really cute!) also today she leaned against me and by default i gave her a lil kiss on the head. she is just sooo adorable!
another little girl (about 8yr) who has autism is a very hard worker and has a very loving caring family. her father always is helping and working alongside us during the sessions. during this past week i was able to work one on one with her. she sometimes makes these really loud noises (it is her stim). when we were working together she made a loud noise and i imitated her (you know me and weird voices). she looked at me and looked like she was thinking "that's my noise you, can't make the same one as me!" haha throughout the rest of the session she really was examining me and looked like she was thinking "this new girl is kindof cool..." though most of the kids i have worked with can't speak, you know that there is alot going on inside of their head.
i already have sooo many more stories about the kids so please when you see me next ask me about it! also if you don't know much about autism, please research it (1 in 110 children will have some form of autism) and also different ways we are working with children with autism such as with ABA.

blessed are those
I. Blessed are those who stop and listen to my chatter. You may not understand me; but I love when people talk to me, for I long for companionship, too.
II. Blessed are those who take my hand and walk with me when the path is rough, for I easily stumble and grow weary. But thank you, too, for letting me walk alone when the path is smooth, for I must learn independence.
III. Blessed are those who take the time to tell me about special happenings, for unless you make special effort to inform me, I remain ignorant.
IV. Blessed are those who wait for me. I may be slow, but I appreciate your patience.
V. Blessed are those who are not ashamed to be seen in public with me, for I did not choose to be born thus. It could have been you as well.
VI. Blessed are those who do not pity me, for I don't want pity. All I want is understanding and respect for what I have learned as well.
VII. Blessed are those who notice my accomplishments, small as they may seem to you. I must work long and hard to learn many of the things you take for granted.
VIII. Blessed are those who include me in their games, even though I may not understand the rules, I still like to be included in your activities.
IX. Blessed are those who think of me as a person who loves, and hurts, and feels joy and pain just like you do, for in that respect I am normal.
Author Unknown
So I happened to click on your blog, and was just kinda scrolling through. I didn't know you worked with Autism. My Lucas has Aspergers syndrome. I am so happy to hear someone as nice, sweet and kind as you is working with what have to be some of the best people in the world! Thank you for doing what you do.