freshmen year 2006
senior year 2010
i went on a nice 6 mile run today and i had a lot on my mind. most of the time i was thinking about how much i have changed/ how much pepperdine has made me find out more about myself. here are a few things:
- i can complete a triathlon (junior year i was in a triathlon class, and though i did not really train for it except for the once a week classes, i was able to complete it and place 2nd amongst the girls)
- i am passionate about service (i owe this to the volunteer center and also the mission of pepperdine)
- i value all the friendships i have made over my 4 years at pepperdine.
- it takes a lot for me to fall for someone but when i do i will do anything for them
- i am an extravert (who would have ever thought?!?!)
-i can fall asleep anywhere (class, parties, restaurants, interviews) just sit me down and i will pass out
- i love country music
- i love running when it is cold outside in a nice long sleeve shirt and my nike shorts
- i like to kill two birds with one stone (working out while reading/studying, listening to a lecture while facebooking)
- even though i have taken 3 semesters of italian the only thing i can say is "ciao"
- shopping is therapeutic
- i can't have it my way even though i try so hard
- i hate being alone, though i know i need to save some time for myself
- i love being busy. just look at my schedule monday-friday leave home at 7am, arrive back at home at 12am or later
- i can pull an all-nighter (not for studying but for talking with friends)
- i value my education and know that i am so blessed to be able to receive one
- when i am stress or sad or frustrated i can't eat but i can run for hours and hours
- i owe so much to many of my professors. i have learned so much from them and i wouldn't be the person i am today if it wasn't for them
- i can play basketball in uggs (freshmen year co-ed intramural bball game)
- i love my 4 year roommate with all my heart! she has taught be so much and has really given my a new insight on life
- my family is amazing, i owe everything to them
- my friends are wonderful and i am sooo blessed to know each and everyone of them
i probably could go on forever...thank you pepperdine for all that you have done to make me the person i am today...
your best blog yet.