*When I began to consider this endeavor, the words of St. Paul came to mind. His ability to use athletic imagery to help us understand the Spiritual journey is amazing! “Do you not know that in a race all runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”*
claire asked me a few weeks ago to join her and her sister in running the malibu half marathon in november. i was a little hesitate because of a bad knee and also...13.1 miles!
but after much consideration (about 10 minutes) i said yes and signed up!
on my list of "things to do after college," one of my goals was to complete a half marathon...so here i go!
claire, jaclyn and i will be training with the help of this website: www.halhigdon.com/halfmarathon/novice.htm
(there is also a 10k training schedule if you are interested)
though it is only a 12 week schedule claire and i decided to double up the weeks and train for 24 weeks. today was the first! so excited! will keep everyone updated! enjoy!
there is still plenty of time to sign up for the malibu run that will be on november 14th: www.malibuintmarathon.com/index.htm (cost of race goes to charities :)
not a runner? come and support claire, jaclyn, me and all the runners
hope to see you there!
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