spring break feb 27th-march 6th NY, NY
my last project serve took me to new york. i had an wonderful time working in ps 30 (bronx public school) and hanging with 12 of my favorite people!
the week included eating way too much (magnolia bakery, butterfield bakery, hot & crusty's, juniors, way too expense sushi, lombardi's pizza, etc.), going to broadway to see the phantom, riding subway 6, skating at the rock, going to church at st. patrick's, going to BUSTIN skateboard shop in brooklyn (www.bustinboards.com), shopping at soho *japanese store*, walking down 5th avenue and my favorite working with some sweet kids in ms. cosme's 3rd grade classroom.
we all worked at PS 30. i had a wonderful experience working with all the kids (helping with classwork, breaking up fights in the caf, losing my voice, eating cafeteria pizza gross, reading with an accent to the class, trying to be gangsta, etc.) i would love to go back and work in the school full time, maybe one day!
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